Simac 2100


Electronic family machine

The new SIMAC 2100 family machine is equipped with50 kind of stitches, 4 of which for making buttonholes. Equipped also with a LED display to look at sewing programs, the SIMAC 2100 also provides automatic threading of the needle and the possibility to use the 2-needles clamp included in the machine. Also, the SIMAC 2100 is equipped with a LED light, an automatic reverse stitching lever, an half-stitch button and a practical retractable handle.

Needle system
Max foot height
Max speed
Stitch lenght
Stitch widht
Power imput
SIMAC 2100
11# - 14#
5,5 mm
700 rpm
4 mm
5 mm
42 W
AC 220V 50Hz
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